Cosmetic surgery of the silhouette

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04 91 55 00 00

By choosing to entrust your face to Dr Christophe Desouches and his team in Marseille, you will have a quality experience at every stage of your process.

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Calf liposuction

Calf liposuction


Liposuction is a modern and effective technique for treating fatty deposits located between skin tissue and muscles.

Liposuction is a procedure performed to remove excess fatty tissue under the skin by suction. This technique mainly focuses on improving and defining the natural shape of the body.

During liposuction, a cannula which is a blunt-tipped steel tube is connected to a suction device to remove fat from the body.

Liposuction is used to treat excess fat in several areas of the body such as the stomach, buttocks, thighs, but also the arms, chest, back, neck, cheeks, chin, calves and ankles.


When can you consider calf liposuction?

Liposuction makes it possible to permanently remove localized deposits of fat that do not disappear despite diets or playing sports. It is therefore not just the superficial fat under the skin, which is present all over the body, but above all the fat located in the deeper layer of the skin.

You can therefore consider liposuction when:

• You have localized areas of fat deposits that are unsightly compared to the rest of your body;

• You want better definition of your figure;

• Your skin elasticity is sufficient.

What are the benefits of calf liposuction?

Patients can expect to obtain a real aesthetic benefit from liposuction of the calves. It is a safe and effective way to treat excess fat.

The main advantages of liposuction are:

• Immediately eliminates fat and allows for more harmonious calves;

• The silhouette has a more harmonious appearance;

• The technique requires small incisions, which result in small scars;

• The operation can be performed under local anesthesia with sedation, which is less risky than an operation under general anesthesia.

The disadvantages of liposuction.

The results can be affected by weight gain, aging and pregnancy;

Liposuction does not improve the appearance of cellulite or sagging skin.

If you want to know the best solution in your specific case, a consultation with Dr Christophe Desouches, cosmetic surgeon from Marseille is necessary for a balance sheet.

Are you a good candidate for calf liposuction?

For some people, diet and exercise cannot get rid of stubborn fat deposits.

Who are the right candidates to consider liposuction

You have little excess skin and good skin elasticity. The loss of skin elasticity with age can compromise the quality of tummy liposuction results, but if your skin has remained elastic, age alone is not a contraindication for calf liposuction;

• You have excess fat located in the calves and these deposits do not disappear with exercise or diet;

• You are in good physical condition, are no more than 10 kg overweight, and your weight is stable;

• If you are planning to lose or gain weight (for example, due to pregnancy or diet), now is not a good time to consider liposuction of the stomach;

• Keep in mind that liposuction does not remove cellulite and cannot tighten sagging skin.

If you are in good general health, with a positive attitude and realistic expectations, you are probably a good candidate for this procedure.

Information on the calf liposuction procedure

How is calf liposuction performed?

Liposuction removes fat from your body by suction and lasts one to two hours. It can be done under local anesthesia or general anesthesia, with an outpatient clinic stay.

Dr Christophe Desouches will select the most suitable method depending on the amount of fat to be removed:

• Liposuction with the traditional method where a fine cannula with a rounded end is connected to a suction system if the quantity of fat to be treated is large;

• Vibroliposuction or NIL (Nutational Infrasonic Liposculpture) which has a vibrating cannula to allow shorter suites and better results.

• Gentle liposuction with a cannula connected to a syringe if the amount of fat is moderate.

What will the scars of calf liposuction look like?

• Because the liposuction incisions are 1 to 2mm, the scars are small and hardly visible, most often hidden in natural folds;

• Most liposuction scars disappear and are barely visible over time. Visible scarring is more common when large cannulas are used and in patients who have dark pigmentation;

• The quality of healing, however, depends on genetic factors and it is possible to observe hypertrophic healing in people predisposed to it;

• The scar may rarely be associated with dyschromia, which is a patch on dark (hyperpigmentation) or light (hypo pigmented) skin.

Although scars from the incisions are in most cases permanent, they fade and improve over time. Dr Christophe Desouches will make every effort to place scars in hidden areas and minimize them, with the aim of achieving the desired result with the most discreet scars possible.

What are the consequences of the calf liposuction procedure?

Dr Christophe Desouches will study with you for the necessary time before you can return to your normal level of sports and social activity.

After surgery, you will receive detailed instructions on your postoperative care, as well as information on:

• The normal symptoms you will experience;

• Signs of possible complications.

Immediately after calf liposuction.

You wear special compression garments to keep your skin compressed. They usually have to be worn for 6 weeks.

When the anesthesia wears off, you may feel some pain. If the pain is severe or if it takes a long time to dissipate, talk to the medical team taking care of you and strong analgesics may be given to you during hospitalization. You will also see redness and swelling after the surgery. In some cases, the edema will persist for a few weeks or even one to two months. Dr Desouches, cosmetic surgeon in Marseille, will tell you if your pain, redness or swelling is normal or if it is a sign of a complication.

Recovery time after calf liposuction.

It is extremely important that you follow all of the care instructions given to you exactly. This will include advice on wearing compression garments, taking antibiotics, and the level of physical activity allowed. Dr Christophe Desouches, your Marseille cosmetic surgeon, will also provide you with detailed instructions on the normal symptoms you will experience and the signs of a possible complication. It is important to know that recovery time varies greatly from person to person.

What are the limits and risks of calf liposuction?

Complications from liposuction surgery are rare. Your specific risks will be assessed during your consultation with Dr Christophe Desouches.

All surgical procedures carry some degree of risk.

Some potential complications to all surgeries are:

• Adverse reaction to anesthesia;

• Hematoma or seroma (accumulation of blood or fluid under the skin);

• Infection and bleeding;

• Sensitivity disorders;

• Hypertrophic or hyperpigmented scars;

• Allergic reactions;

• Unsatisfactory results which may require additional interventions;

• Blood clots in the legs or lungs (phlebitis or pulmonary embolism).

Other risks specific to liposuction are described below:

• asymmetry;

• Skin irregularities.

You can reduce some risks by following the advice and instructions of Dr Christophe Desouches, surgeon in Marseille, both before and after your calf liposuction.

Contact us to improve your figure

By choosing to entrust your figure to Dr Christophe Desouches and his team, you are talking to experienced professionals who will accompany you at every stage of your process. Do not hesitate to contact us on 04 91 55 00 00 to make an appointment.

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